Our projects
AGT is specialised on groundwater related studies which are carried out by using various techniques. On this page you find some of our projects.
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Water well for the organic farm ‘De Kijfelaar’
Organic farm De Kijfelaar, located in Noorderwijk, wanted to obtain a permit for water extraction. The City of Herentals asked AGT to determine the influence of the water abstraction on the groundwater levels in the area.
Dewatering advice Bonnefant Hasselt
Dewatering advice with a numeric groundwater model for permit application.
Zettingsproef Maldegem
Met een bemalings- en zettingsproef werd aangetoond dat er ten gevolge van de bemaling geen onaanvaardbare zettingen optraden en de bemaling zonder waterkerende wanden kon uitgevoerd worden. Een aanzienlijke meerkost voor de bemaling tijdens de werkzaamheden werd zodoende vermeden.
Dewatering project in De Panne
The project was challenging because of the sensitive environmental conditions. The construction site was situated in a protected dune area characterised by highly permeable dune sand. Because of the special location of the construction site, the environmental impact of dewatering had to be investigated in detail.
Nyrstar cooling pond in Lommel
At Balen/Lommel, Nyrstar used a pond with an area of approximately 16 hectares to provide cooling to the production process. The requested cooling capacity, however, exceeded the potential of the pond. AGT was asked to re-dimension the cooling pond so that the cooling requirement can be fulfilled.
Geofysische boorgatmeting waterput
Voor de plaatsing van een nieuwe winningsput voor drinkwatervoorziening, werden boorgat geofysische metingen uitgevoerd. Deze metingen bepaalden zeer nauwkeurig de opbouw van de hydrogeologische lagen en de noodzakelijke filterstelling van de waterput.
Habitat recovery of the Kleine Nete
As a mandate from the Flemish Environmental Agency (VMM) in the frame of the LIFE+ project "Large-scale Habitat Restoration in the Kleine Netevallei", an ecohydrological study was made by AGT in the "Kleine Netevallei" area. The main aim of the study was to investigate which interventions in the water management contribute in maintenance and restoration of the groundwater-dependent terrestrial vegetation types. For this purpose, groundwater modelling and ecohydrological NICHE modelling were carried out.