Numerical groundwater modelling
"Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful" (quote George E.P.Box)

AGT uses numerical models on a daily basis to substantiate the different designs presented in our studies. The model simulations are mainly used to investigate the sensitivity of the different concepts for parameter variations. Both best-guess and worst-case scenarios are simulated to be prepared for adverse situations and uncertainties.
Groundwater model for dewatering project
In case of complex dewatering projects or when significant influence can be expected on the environment as consequence of groundwater abstraction, numerical simulation of the flow rate and the radius of influence is necessary.
The new Dewatering Guidelines (2019) describe when a numerical groundwater model is necessary for an environmental permit application. By means of numerical modeling, location-specific differences and effects can be better identified. In this way a more accurate dewatering concept is prepared.
AGT has a lot of experience to help you with this. Contact us and let's work together!

Different model codes are used for different physical processes:
- MLU (Hemker & Post): pumping test analysis;
- MODFLOW (USGS): groundwater flow;
- MT3DMS (Zheng C.): solute and heat transport;
- SEAWAT (USGS): density dependent flow (fresh-salt groundwater);
- SWAP (Alterra) en Wetspass (VUB): groundwater recharge;
- COMSOL Multiphysics: coupling different physical processes:
- Energy exchange between different media;
- Laminar and turbulent flow (CFD);
- Groundwater flow (unsaturated/saturated);Transport and reaction of solutes.